Family policies and the macroeconomy

Roth, Henning

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URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:180-madoc-409431
Document Type: Doctoral dissertation
Year of publication: 2016
Place of publication: Mannheim
University: Universität Mannheim
Evaluator: Tertilt, Michele
Date of oral examination: 27 April 2016
Publication language: English
Institution: School of Law and Economics > Makro- u. Entwicklungsökonomie (Tertilt 2010-)
Außerfakultäre Einrichtungen > Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences - CDSE (Economics)
Subject: 330 Economics
Subject headings (SWD): Makroökonomik , Familienpolitik , Rente
Keywords (English): Macroeconomics, Family Policies, Pension System
Abstract: This dissertation investigates the macroeconomic effects of family policies. For the case of Germany, it can be shown that family policies have a positive impact on fertility, welfare and the government budget. The welfare ranking of family policies depends on the way the government uses the budgetary surplus. It is shown that family policies can also be used to stabilize the public pay-as-you-go pension system. Given an external financial shock that hits the pension system re-adjusting the system with family policies is welfare superior to reforms of the pension system itself. Finally, it can be shown that the effect on fertility remains when introducing altruism in the model while the effects on welfare and budget depend more strongly on the model parameterization.

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