Essays in environmental and labor economics

Thies, Beate

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URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:180-madoc-646757
Document Type: Doctoral dissertation
Year of publication: 2023
Place of publication: Mannheim
University: Universität Mannheim
Evaluator: Wagner, Ulrich
Date of oral examination: 7 June 2023
Publication language: English
Institution: Außerfakultäre Einrichtungen > Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences - CDSE (Economics)
School of Law and Economics > Umweltökonomik, Industrieökonomik, Finanzwissenschaft (Wagner 2015-)
Subject: 330 Economics
Keywords (English): air pollution , high-skilled workers , productivity , human capital , non-cognitive skills , time allocation
Abstract: This dissertation consists of three self-contained chapters studying questions in the fields of environmental and labor economics. Chapter 1 studies the impact of air quality on productivity and work patterns among highly skilled knowledge workers. Chapter 2 provides evidence on the effect of in-utero exposure to air pollution on noncognitive ability in childhood. Chapter 3 studies how a misalignment between the circadian rhythm and social schedules affects the performance of highly skilled knowledge workers.

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