“I wish I could say, ‘Yeah, both the same’”: Cultural stereotypes and individual differentiations of preservice teachers about different low socioeconomic originsYendell, Oscar ; Claus, Carolina ; Bonefeld, Meike ; Karst, Karina
Yendell, Oscar
Claus, Carolina
Bonefeld, Meike
Karst, Karina
Google Scholar: Yendell, Oscar ; Claus, Carolina ; Bonefeld, Meike ; Karst, Karina ORCID: Yendell, Oscar ORCID: 0000-0001-9432-0328 ; Claus, Carolina ; Bonefeld, Meike ORCID: 0000-0003-1940-2301 ; Karst, Karina ORCID: 0000-0001-9976-6265 Download StatisticsYou have found an error? Please let us know about your desired correction here: E-Mail Actions (login required)