More frequent commitments promote cooperation, ratcheting does not

Gallier, Carlo ; Ockenfels, Axel ; Sturm, Bodo

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URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:180-madoc-687690
Document Type: Working paper
Year of publication: 2024
The title of a journal, publication series: ZEW-Dokumentation
Volume: 24-065
Place of publication: Mannheim
Publishing house: ZEW
ISSN: 1611-681X
Publication language: English
Institution: Sonstige Einrichtungen > ZEW - Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung
School of Law and Economics > Sonstige - Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft und Volkswirtschaftslehre
MADOC publication series: Veröffentlichungen des ZEW (Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung) > ZEW Discussion Papers
Subject: 330 Economics
Classification: JEL: C72 , C91 , C92 , D02 , H41 , Q54,
Keywords (English): climate change , climate negotiations , cooperation , laboratory experiments , simulations
Abstract: International climate negotiations have so far failed to produce ambitious climate cooperation. We combine laboratory experiments with simulations to investigate the performance of two negotiation design features to address this failure: The Paris Agreement's ratchet-up mechanism, which requires countries to gradually increase their ambition, and a new policy proposal to negotiate more frequently. We find that more frequent interactions allow subjects to build trust and cooperation more safely over time. Conversely, subjects in a ratchet-up design tend to become more cautious to protect themselves from free riders. Thus, more frequent revisions of commitments promote cooperation, but the ratchet-up design fails to achieve the same result.

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