DP-Counter Analytics

Moerkotte, Guido

MA_TR_2006_002.pdf - Published

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URL: http://ub-madoc.bib.uni-mannheim.de/1156
URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:180-madoc-11560
Document Type: Working paper
Year of publication: 2006
The title of a journal, publication series: None
Publication language: English
Institution: School of Business Informatics and Mathematics > Sonstige - Fakultät für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik
MADOC publication series: Veröffentlichungen der Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik > Institut für Informatik > Technical Reports
Subject: 004 Computer science, internet
Subject headings (SWD): Abfrageverarbeitung , Join-Operation , Dynamische Optimierung
Individual keywords (German): Anfrageoptimierung , Verbundreihenfolge , dynamisches Programmieren
Keywords (English): query optimization , join ordering , dynamic programming , bushy trees
Abstract: In the literature mainly two variants of dynamic programming for constructing join trees are described. We show analytically and experimentally that the runtime behaviors of those two variants differ vastly for different query graphs. The query graphs we consider are chain, cycle, star, and clique. More specifically, one of the variants is highly superior for chain and cycle queries whereas the other is highly superior for star and cliques queries. This motivates us to derive an optimal algorithm which is --- apart from a small overhead --- superior to all algorithms in all cases.
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Das Dokument wird vom Publikationsserver der Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim bereitgestellt.

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