Risikoaversion , Investition , Intertemporale Allokation , Entscheidung bei Risiko
Freie Schlagwörter (Englisch):
intertemporal decision making , myopic loss aversion , feedback frequency , length of commitment , evaluation period
Empirical research has shown that a lower feedback frequency combined with a longer bind-ing period decreases myopia and thereby increases the willingness to invest into a risky asset. In an experimental study, we disentangle the intertwined manipulation of feedback frequency and binding period to analyze how both variables alone contribute to the change in myopia and how they interact. We find a strong effect for the length of commitment, a much less pro-nounced effect for the feedback frequency, and a strong interaction between both variables. The results have important implications for real world intertemporal decision making.
Das Dokument wird vom Publikationsserver der Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim bereitgestellt.