Emotional sounds modulate early neural processing of emotional picturesGerdes, Antje B. M. ; Wieser, Matthias J. ; Bublatzky, Florian ; Kusay, Anita ; Plichta, Michael M. ; Alpers, Georg W.
Gerdes, Antje B. M.
Wieser, Matthias J.
Bublatzky, Florian
Kusay, Anita
Plichta, Michael M.
Alpers, Georg W.
Google Scholar: Gerdes, Antje B. M. ; Wieser, Matthias J. ; Bublatzky, Florian ; Kusay, Anita ; Plichta, Michael M. ; Alpers, Georg W. ORCID: Gerdes, Antje B. M., Wieser, Matthias J., Bublatzky, Florian, Kusay, Anita, Plichta, Michael M. and Alpers, Georg W. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9896-5158 Download StatisticsYou have found an error? Please let us know about your desired correction here: E-Mail Actions (login required)