Trust and adaptive rationality : towards a new paradigm in trust research
Rompf, Stephan
Document Type:
Doctoral dissertation
Year of publication:
Place of publication:
Universität Mannheim
Esser, Hartmut
Date of oral examination:
6 November 2012
Publication language:
School of Social Sciences > Soziologie II (Esser 1991-2009, Em) Außerfakultäre Einrichtungen > Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences- CDSS (Social Sciences)
300 Social sciences, sociology, anthropology
Subject headings (SWD):
Soziologie , Analytische Soziologie , Vertrauen , Urvertrauen , Misstrauen , Zuversicht , Rational Choice , Handlungstheorie , Zwei-Prozess-Modell , Informationsverarbeitung , Experiment , Sozialpsychologie , Experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung
Individual keywords (German):
Modell der Frame-Selektion , Variable Rationalität , Situationslogik , Normalität , Modell der soziologischen Erklärung , Coleman Modell , Theorie mittlerer Reichweite , Vertrauensspiel , Interaktion , soziale Konstruktion des Vertrauens , Identität
Keywords (English):
Trust , Distrust , Confidence , Suspension , Rational Choice , Adaptive Rationality , Information Processing , Dual-Process-Model , Experimental Economics , Analytical Sociology , Social Psychology , Cognition , Norms , Situational Normality
Combining economic, social-psychological and sociological approaches trust, this book provides a general theoretical framework to explain conditional and unconditional trust; it also presents an experimental test of the corresponding integrative model and its predictions. Broadly, it aims at advancing a ‘cognitive turn’ in trust research by highlighting the importance of (1) an actor´s context-dependent definition of the situation and (2) the flexible and dynamic degree of rationality involved in the phenomenon. In essence, trust is as “multi-faceted” as there are cognitive routes that take us to the choice of a trusting act. Therefore, adaptive rationality has to be incorporated as an independent and orthogonal dimension to the typological space of trust. Going from description to prediction, the work develops an analytically precise and tractable model of trust and adaptive rationality. The empirical test presented combines trust games, high- and low-incentive conditions, framing manipulations, and psychometric measurements; it is complemented by decision-time analyses.
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