'Home Matters' : home, family and community in the contemporary Anglo-Jewish novel

Lusin, Caroline

URL: http://www.wvttrier.de/top/Proceedings_2015_WVT.pd...
Document Type: Conference or workshop publication
Year of publication: 2016
Book title: Anglistentag 2015 Paderborn : proceedings
The title of a journal, publication series: Proceedings of the Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English
Volume: 37
Page range: 47-58
Conference title: Anglistentag 2015
Location of the conference venue: Paderborn, Germany
Date of the conference: 23.-26.9.2015
Publisher: Ehland, Christoph
Place of publication: Trier
Publishing house: WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier
ISBN: 978-3-86821-673-8 , 3-86821-673-1
Publication language: English
Institution: School of Humanities > Anglistik II - Anglistische Literatur- u. Kulturwissenschaft (Lusin 2015-)
Subject: 420 English

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