Culture in framing nanotechnology : the effect of cultural dimensions on media frames of nanotechnology in South Korea, Germany, Austria and Japan between 2001 and 2015
Kim, Sehwan
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Ort der Veröffentlichung:
Universität Mannheim
Kohring, Matthias
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:
25 April 2018
Sprache der Veröffentlichung:
Philosophische Fakultät > Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (Kohring 2010-)
100 Philosophie
Normierte Schlagwörter (SWD):
Freie Schlagwörter (Deutsch):
Media frame , 'Kulturelle Resonanz , Nanotechnologie , Präsenz und Salienz von Frames , Kulturelle Dimensionen
Freie Schlagwörter (Englisch):
media frame , cultural resonance , nanotechnology , presence and salience of frames , cultural dimensions
This study's purpose is to identify the media's frame on nanotechnology and cultural effects on that frame. This study also introduced the concept of the salience of media frame, Kohring's approach that identifies the media frame by clustering its elements, and Hofstede's 5-D model into a cultural comparative analysis of news coverage. This study used the news articles on nanotechnology from 2001 to 2015 in selected newspapers in South Korea, Germany, Austria, and Japan.
This study identified six media frames using cluster analysis: "Overview of Nanotechnology," "Policy," "Economic Benefits," "Environmental Risks," "Research & Development", and "Health Risks." All these countries' newspapers used "Research & Development" and "Economic Benefits" as their main frames, and overwhelmingly described nanotechnology positively.
This study found significant differences in the way the study countries' newspapers framed nanotechnology. The risk-oriented frame was used only in South Korean newspapers. German newspapers emphasized the economic benefits frame relatively more than other countries. Austrian and Japanese newspapers more noticeable favored the "Policy" and "Research & Development" frames.
This study's nanotechnology frame dynamics showed that between 2001 and 2004, the more the "Research & Development" frame use increased per time period, the more the "Economic Benefits" frame use decreased. And the environmental and healthy theme appeared by turns in risk-oriented frame.
This study also examined how cultural dimensions across the countries could explain at the macro level such media framing variations. A logistic regression model indicated that a specific cultural dimension and a media frame are related to each other. Among five cultural dimensions, a country with an Uncertainty Avoidance score of one unit more was 1.091 times more likely to present a “Policy” frame than its reference country but a country with a Power Distance score of one unit more was 0.947 times less likely to present a “Policy” frame. A country with an Individualism/Collectivism score of one unit more was 1.028 times more likely to present a “Economic Benefits” frame and was also 1.022 times more likely to present a “Research & Development” frame. Also, a country with an Uncertainty Avoidance score of one unit more was 1.029 times more likely to present a “Research & Development” frame in newspapers.
Übersetzter Titel:
Kultur in der Framing von Nanotechnologie : die Auswirkung kultureller Dimensionen aus Medienframes der Nanotechnologie in Südkorea, Deutschland, Österreich und Japan zwischen 2001 und 2015
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Kim, Sehwan
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Kim, Sehwan
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