Dissociation in victims of childhood abuse or neglect: A meta-analytic reviewVonderlin, Ruben ; Kleindienst, Nikolaus ; Alpers, Georg W. ; Bohus, Martin ; Lyssenko, Lisa ; Schmahl, Christian
Vonderlin, Ruben
Kleindienst, Nikolaus
Alpers, Georg W.
Bohus, Martin
Lyssenko, Lisa
Schmahl, Christian
Google Scholar: Vonderlin, Ruben ; Kleindienst, Nikolaus ; Alpers, Georg W. ; Bohus, Martin ; Lyssenko, Lisa ; Schmahl, Christian ORCID: Vonderlin, Ruben, Kleindienst, Nikolaus, Alpers, Georg W. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9896-5158, Bohus, Martin, Lyssenko, Lisa and Schmahl, Christian Page ViewsYou have found an error? Please let us know about your desired correction here: E-Mail Actions (login required)