Correlates of health-related quality of life, psychological well-being, and eating self-regulation after successful weight loss maintenanceVieira, Paulo N. ; Silva, Marlene N. ; Mata, Jutta ; Coutinho, Sílvia R. ; Santos, Teresa C. ; Sardinha, Luís B. ; Teixeira, Pedro J.
Vieira, Paulo N.
Silva, Marlene N.
Mata, Jutta
Coutinho, Sílvia R.
Santos, Teresa C.
Sardinha, Luís B.
Teixeira, Pedro J.
Google Scholar: Vieira, Paulo N. ; Silva, Marlene N. ; Mata, Jutta ; Coutinho, Sílvia R. ; Santos, Teresa C. ; Sardinha, Luís B. ; Teixeira, Pedro J. ORCID: Vieira, Paulo N., Silva, Marlene N., Mata, Jutta ORCID:, Coutinho, Sílvia R., Santos, Teresa C., Sardinha, Luís B. and Teixeira, Pedro J. Page ViewsYou have found an error? Please let us know about your desired correction here: E-Mail Actions (login required)