Can violent conflicts explain the recent increase in the flow of asylum seekers from Africa into Europe?

Weber, Hannes

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Document Type: Article
Year of publication: 2019
The title of a journal, publication series: Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies : JIRST
Volume: 17
Issue number: 4
Page range: 405-424
Place of publication: New York, NY [u.a.]
Publishing house: Routledge, Taylor & Francis
ISSN: 1556-2948 , 1556-2956
Publication language: English
Institution: Außerfakultäre Einrichtungen > Mannheim Centre for European Social Research - Research Department A
Subject: 300 Social sciences, sociology, anthropology
Abstract: Between 2008 and 2018, the number of asylum seekers from Africa entering the European Union tripled. In this paper, we analyze whether this increase can be explained by intensified violent conflicts in the countries of origin. We use quarterly data on bilateral flows of asylum seekers from 48 African into 31 European countries. We find that an increase in the number of violent incidents leads to an increase in the number of refugees within country-dyads. However, this effect declined in size over time. Since the peak of the “refugee crisis” of 2015, migration increasingly appears as a self-reinforcing process.

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