Read my face: Automatic facial coding versus psychophysiological indicators of emotional valence and arousalHöfling, Tim ; Gerdes, Antje B. M. ; Föhl, Ulrich ; Alpers, Georg W.
Höfling, Tim
Gerdes, Antje B. M.
Föhl, Ulrich
Alpers, Georg W.
Google Scholar: Höfling, Tim ; Gerdes, Antje B. M. ; Föhl, Ulrich ; Alpers, Georg W. ORCID: Höfling, Tim, Gerdes, Antje B. M., Föhl, Ulrich and Alpers, Georg W. ORCID: Download StatisticsYou have found an error? Please let us know about your desired correction here: E-Mail Actions (login required)