New evidence allows to refer IG I3 503/504 to the battle of Marathon, and not to the Persian Wars in general or other single events within them. I propose the new integration Παλλάδος hιπ̣(π)ο[σόε̄ς] at the end of the first distich of IG I3 503/504, lapis C, according to the same epithet of Pallas used by Nonn. 37, 320. Basing on Hdt. 6, 116, 1, the lapis C seems to describe the events that follow the battle of Marathon, when the Persians aimed the naval assault against Athens. I therefore suggest that the verb ]βαλον may signify here "to round a Cap", implying Sunio, that hέρϰο̄ς indicates the wall of the Herakles' sanctuary in Cynosarges, where the Athenians gathered to defend their city, and that ἄϰρον means also "the promontory of Sunion".
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