The prospects for 'proportionality' as a generic and universal legal principle in public international law
Stelzer, Robert Joseph

Document Type:
Doctoral dissertation
Year of publication:
Place of publication:
Ede, NL
Publishing house:
GVO printers & designers
Uiversität Mannheim
Cremer, Hans-Joachim
Date of oral examination:
8 December 2017
Publication language:
School of Law and Economics > Öffentl. Recht u. Rechtsphilosophie (Cremer 2000-2022)
340 Law
This study inquires into the prospects in public international law (PIL) for 'proportionality' – whatever 'it' ends up representing, entailing or meaning in the aggregate – to be validly seen as a general and a generic legal principle and, thus, a universal one. More succinctly, the thesis query asks whether there truly exists a uniform and pervasive proportionality test that is general (i.e. GIL, as in applying to all States) as well as as generic (i.e. applying to all legal areas, settings and situations within PIL) and therefore, in turn, one with
effect in the form of a general principle of law (GPL), e.g. pursuant to Article 38 (1) (c) ICJSt or, perhaps, even in the form of a general principle of international law (GPIL) as found within customary international law (CIL), e.g. pursuant to Article 38 (1) (b) ICJSt. Or, rather, might 'proportionality' tests merely have exact normative contours and effects in each of the specific areas, situations and settings where found? Might 'proportionality' merely exist as a wide-spread, umbrella-like term, serving as an expedient rhetorical device? In other words, might 'proportionality' merely exist as a legal tool that commonly designates and refers to several distinct versions of balancing processes in municipal systems or in PIL, all of which fall under the larger roof of legal norms known generally as 'balancing tests'?
Translation of the title:
Die Aussichten für "Verhältnismäßigkeit" als allgemeingültiger und universeller Grundsatz des Völkerrechts
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