Beyond intergenerational transmission: Intergenerational patterns of family formation

Fasang, Anette Eva ; Raab, Marcel

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Dokumenttyp: Konferenzveröffentlichung
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Buchtitel: Population Association of America 2013 Annual Meeting Program : New Orleans, LA, April 11-13, Sheraton New Orleans
Seitenbereich: 1-39
Veranstaltungstitel: PAA 2013 Annual Meeting
Veranstaltungsort: New Orleans, LA
Veranstaltungsdatum: 11.-13.04.2013
Herausgeber: Bachrach, Chris
Ort der Veröffentlichung: Washington, DC
Verlag: Population Association of America
Sprache der Veröffentlichung: Englisch
Einrichtung: Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften > Bildungs- u. Familiensoziologie (Juniorprofessur) (Raab 2015-2020)
Fachgebiet: 150 Psychologie
300 Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie, Anthropologie
Abstract: Research about parent effects on family behavior focuses on intergenerational transmission: whether children adopt the same family behavior as their parents. This potentially overemphasizes similarity and obscures heterogeneity in parent effects on family behavior. In this study we make two contributions. First, instead of focusing on isolated focal events, we conceptualize family formation holistically as the process of union formation and childbearing between age 15 and age 40. We then discuss mechanisms likely to shape these intergenerational patterns. Second, beyond estimating average transmission effects, we innovatively apply multichannel sequence analysis to dyadic sequence data from the Longitudinal Study of Generations (LSOG, N=461 parent-child dyads) and identify three salient intergenerational family formation patterns: a strong transmission, a moderated transmission, and an intergenerational contrast pattern. This enables us examine what determines parent’s and children’s likelihood to sort into a specific intergenerational pattern. Educational upward mobility is a strong predictor of moderated intergenerational transmission, whereas parent-child conflict increases the likelihood of intergenerational contrast in family formation. We conclude that intergenerational patterns of family formation are generated at the intersection of macro structural shifts and family internal psychological dynamics.
Zusätzliche Informationen: Online-Ressource

Dieser Datensatz wurde nicht während einer Tätigkeit an der Universität Mannheim veröffentlicht, dies ist eine Externe Publikation.



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BASE: Fasang, Anette Eva ; Raab, Marcel

Google Scholar: Fasang, Anette Eva ; Raab, Marcel

ORCID: Fasang, Anette Eva ; Raab, Marcel ORCID: 0000-0002-3097-1591

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