“Hello, I say, it’s me”: contemporary reconstructions of self and subjectivity , ; [Konferenz ""Hello, I say, it's me": (re)constructions of subjectivity in contemporary literature and culture", 4./5. 4.2008, Düsseldorf]

Publisher: Kucharzewski, Jan Dominik ; Schäfer, Stefanie ; Schowalter, Lutz
Document Type: Book
Year of publication: 2009
The title of a journal, publication series: Mosaic
Volume: 36
Conference title: "Hello, I say, it's me"
Location of the conference venue: Düsseldorf
Date of the conference: 04.-05.04.2008
Place of publication: Trier
Publishing house: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier
ISBN: 978-3-86821-188-7
Publication language: English
Institution: School of Humanities > Anglistik III - Amerikanische Literatur- u. Kulturwissenschaft (Reichardt 2001-)
Subject: 820 English literature

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