The international program in survey and data science (IPSDS): a modern study program for working professionals

Haensch, Anna-Carolina ; Herklotz, Markus ; Keusch, Florian ; Kreuter, Frauke

Document Type: Article
Year of publication: 2021
The title of a journal, publication series: Statistical Journal of the IAOS
Volume: 37
Issue number: 3
Page range: 921-933
Place of publication: Amsterdam
Publishing house: IOS-Press
ISSN: 1874-7655 , 1875-9254
Publication language: English
Institution: School of Social Sciences > Statistik u. Sozialwiss. Methodenlehre (Juniorprofessur) (Keusch 2016-2021)
Subject: 310 Statistics
Abstract: The International Program in Survey and Data Science (IPSDS) is an online educational program, which can be attended through the Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM) at the University of Maryland (UMD) and a part-time Master of Applied Data Science & Measurement (MDM) at the University of Mannheim and Mannheim Business School (MBS). It is targeted towards and attended by working professionals involved or interested in data collection and data analysis including those working in official statistics. The program conveys competencies in the areas of data collection, data analysis, data storage, and data visualization. The faculty of the program includes researchers and lecturers from both the University of Maryland and the University of Mannheim as well as other organizations such as destatis and Statistics Netherlands in the field of official statistics. The program was awarded the label of ‘European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS)’ under conditions in May 2021. In the article, we summarize the methodological and statistical competencies needed in official statistics and show how IPSDS covers this set of skills. We will present the flipped classroom design used for the IPSDS program and demonstrate that it is especially suited for students who are working professionals at the same time.

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