Muriel Moser, Emperor and Senators in the Reign of Constantius II. Maintaining Imperial Rule between Rome and Constantinople in the Fourth Century AD, Cambridge (Cambridge University Press) 2018, XVII, 420 S., ISBN 978-1-108-48101-4 (geb.), £ 90,–

Begass, Christoph

Document Type: Review
Year of publication: 2021
The title of a journal, publication series: Klio
Volume: 103
Issue number: 1
Page range: 377-380
Place of publication: Berlin
Publishing house: De Gruyter
ISSN: 0075-6334 , 2192-7669
Publication language: German
Institution: School of Humanities > Alte Geschichte (Juniorprofessur) (Begass 2017-)
Subject: 930 History of the ancient world to ca. 499, archaeology

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