Detecting respondent burden in online surveys: How different sources of question difficulty influence cursor movementsLeipold, Franziska M. ; Kieslich, Pascal J. ; Henninger, Felix ; Fernández-Fontelo, Amanda ; Greven, Sonja ; Kreuter, Frauke
Leipold, Franziska M.
Kieslich, Pascal J.
Henninger, Felix
Fernández-Fontelo, Amanda
Greven, Sonja
Kreuter, Frauke
Google Scholar: Leipold, Franziska M. ; Kieslich, Pascal J. ; Henninger, Felix ; Fernández-Fontelo, Amanda ; Greven, Sonja ; Kreuter, Frauke ORCID: Leipold, Franziska M. ; Kieslich, Pascal J. ORCID: 0000-0002-0853-9364 ; Henninger, Felix ; Fernández-Fontelo, Amanda ; Greven, Sonja ; Kreuter, Frauke ORCID: 0000-0002-7339-2645 Download StatisticsYou have found an error? Please let us know about your desired correction here: E-Mail Actions (login required)