Leader support for recovery: A multi-level approach to employee psychological detachment from work

Sonnentag, Sabine ; Kark, Ronit ; Venz, Laura

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/joop.12538
URL: https://bpspsychub.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10....
Weitere URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/383184964...
URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:180-madoc-677020
Dokumenttyp: Zeitschriftenartikel
Erscheinungsjahr Online: 2024
Datum: 15 August 2024
Titel einer Zeitschrift oder einer Reihe: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Band/Volume: tba
Heft/Issue: tba
Seitenbereich: 1-27
Ort der Veröffentlichung: Oxford ; Hoboken, NJ
Verlag: Wiley-Blackwell ; Wiley
ISSN: 0963-1798 , 2044-8325
Sprache der Veröffentlichung: Englisch
Einrichtung: Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaften > Arbeits- u. Organisationspsychologie (Sonnentag 2010-)
Bereits vorhandene Lizenz: Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Fachgebiet: 150 Psychologie
Abstract: This research examines the role of leaders for employee recovery. We hypothesize that leader support for recovery (empathy for recovery, respect for boundaries, and role modelling) relates positively to employees' psychological detachment from work during non-work time that, in turn, predicts well-being outcomes. We argue that leader support for recovery can only be effective when the leader-member exchange (LMX) relationship quality is sufficiently high. In a series of scale-development and scale-validation studies, we demonstrated the construct and content validity of a new measure of leader support for recovery. We tested our hypotheses with diary data collected from 152 employees. Respect for boundaries was positively related to employees' psychological detachment from work during non-work time at the person level. Psychological detachment from work was positively related to low emotional exhaustion and a high morning recovery state, both at the person and the day level. LMX moderated the relationship between leader support for recovery (overall measure), empathy for recovery, and respect for boundaries on the one hand and psychological detachment on the other hand, such that the relationships became non-significant when LMX was lower. The study suggests that leaders in high-quality relationships can contribute to employee recovery – a process that helps to maintain employee well-being.

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BASE: Sonnentag, Sabine ; Kark, Ronit ; Venz, Laura

Google Scholar: Sonnentag, Sabine ; Kark, Ronit ; Venz, Laura

ORCID: Sonnentag, Sabine ORCID: 0000-0002-9464-4653 ; Kark, Ronit ; Venz, Laura

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