Self-effects of gratitude postings on Instagram on the creator’s gratitude, need satisfaction, need frustration, and resilience. Evidence from a field experiment with a 7-day gratitude interventionSchwenzer, Jonathan ; Griesbeck-Bachmann, Elias ; Jordan, Lucas ; Naab, Teresa K.
Schwenzer, Jonathan
Griesbeck-Bachmann, Elias
Jordan, Lucas
Naab, Teresa K.
Google Scholar: Schwenzer, Jonathan ; Griesbeck-Bachmann, Elias ; Jordan, Lucas ; Naab, Teresa K. ORCID: Schwenzer, Jonathan ; Griesbeck-Bachmann, Elias ; Jordan, Lucas ; Naab, Teresa K. ORCID: 0000-0001-7345-2559 Page ViewsYou have found an error? Please let us know about your desired correction here: E-Mail Actions (login required)