The MIME approach seems to be the most reasonable effort for allowing the sending and receiving of multimedia messages using standard Internet mail transport facilities. Providing new header fields, such as MIME-Version, Content-Type, and Content- Transfer-Encoding, it is now possible to include various kinds of information types, e.g. audio, images, richtext, or video, into a RFC 822-conformant mail. Making use of these headers, it is possible to fully describe an attached body part, so that a receiving mail user agent is able to display it without any loss of information. Additionally, the definition of the "multipart" and "message" content types allows the creation of hierarchical structured mails, e.g. a message containing two alternative parts of information, one that can be shown using a simple ASCII-terminal, the other to be displayed on a multimedia workstation. Allowing the definition of bilaterally defined content types and providing a standardized means of establishing new content types prevent MIME from being a one-way road and supply mechanisms to extend MIME for future use.
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