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Zock, Florian (2012) Performance implications of strategic restructuring through knowledge acquisition : longitudinal analysis of German biotechnology firms. Open Access Mannheim [Doctoral dissertation]


Al-Laham, Andreas ; Oehme, Marie Analyzing network demographics and structure as drivers of SME internationalization. (2011) 71th Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2011 (San Antonio, Texas) [Conference presentation]

Al-Laham, Andreas ; Oehme, Marie Network Characteristics and SME Internationalization: Conceptual Considerations and Empirical Evidence. (2011) Academy of International Business Annual Meeting 2011 (Nagoya, Japan) [Conference presentation]


Al-Laham, Andreas ; Amburgey, Terry (2009) Survival of the smartest? A knowledge-based examination of market exits in the German biotechnology industry. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft : ZfB Wiesbaden 79 S.-H.1 155-180 [Article]


Welge, Martin K. ; Al-Laham, Andreas (2008) Strategisches Management : Grundlagen - Prozess - Implementierung. Wiesbaden [Book]

Al-Laham, Andreas ; Amburgey, Terry ; Bates, Kimberly (2008) The dynamics of strategic alliances. Examining the effect of alliance experience and partner characteristics on the speed of alliance entry in the biotech industry. British Journal of Management : BJM Hoboken, NJ [u.a.] 19 4 343-364 [Article]

Al-Laham, Andreas ; Amburgey, Terry ; Aharonson, Barak S. ; Tzabbar, Daniel (2008) The Structural Evolution of Multiplex Organizational Networks: Research and Commerce in Biotechnology. Advances in Strategic Management Amsterdam [u.a.] 25 171-209 [Article]

Al-Laham, Andreas ; Souitaris, Vangelis (2008) Network embeddedness and new venture internationalization. Analyzing international linkages in the German biotech industry. Journal of Business Venturing Amsterdam [u.a.] 23 5 567-586 [Article]

Aharonson, Barak S. ; Al-Laham, Andreas ; Amburgey, Terry ; Tzabbar, Daniel (2008) When is the sum bigger than its parts? The effects of bundled knowledge stocks on firm success. Strategic Organization London 6 4 375-406 [Article]

Al-Laham, Andreas (2008) Wissensmanagement ; Organisationales Lernen ; Allianzen ; Wettbewerbsstrategie. Lexikon der Betriebswirtschaftslehre München [Encyclopedic article]

Al-Laham, Andreas (2008) Internationales Management. State of the Art und Entwicklungsperspektiven. Corsten, Hans Betriebswirtschaftslehre München 2 527-600 [Book chapter]

Al-Laham, Andreas ; Albrecht, Benedikt (2008) Strategische Neu-Positionierung der Apple Inc. Zentes, Joachim Fallstudien zum internationalen Management : Grundlagen - Praxiserfahrungen - Perspektiven Wiesbaden 225-244 [Book chapter]

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