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Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (2003) Quantifizierung in einer slavischen Typologie. Kuße, Holger Slavistische Linguistik 2001 : Referate des XXVII. Konstanzer Slavistischen Arbeitstreffens, Frankfurt/Friedrichsdorf, 11. - 13.9.2001 Slavistische Beiträge München 422 93-112 [Book chapter]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (2003) Slovene in a typological perspective (inherent and contact-induced phenomena, especially with Celtic). Language Typology and Universals = Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung Berlin 56 3 252-265 [Article]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (2003) Variation und Norm : Institutionalisierung neuer Normierungen im Slavischen. Funktionale Beschreibung slavischer Sprachen München 83-96 [Book chapter]


Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (2002) Kroatisch. Janich, Nina Sprachkulturen in Europa Tübingen 134-138 [Book chapter]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (2002) Sprachvarietäten kreiert, normiert und neu reflektiert im Alltag. Lehmann, Volkmar Slavistische Linguistik 2000 Slavistische Beiträge München 410 47-74 [Book chapter]


Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (2001) Vergleichen und Einordnen: Graduierung im Slavischen. Quantität und Graduierung als kognitiv-sematische Kategorien Wiesbaden 559-573 [Book chapter]


Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (2000) Modalität zwischen Sprachstruktur und Pragmatik in einem kommunikativ ausgerichteten Sprachmodell. Breu, Walter Slavistische Linguistik 1999 : Referate des XXV. Konstanzer Slavistischen Arbeitstreffens, Konstanz, 7. - 10.9.1999 Slavistische Beiträge München 396 113-132 [Book chapter]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (2000) Parameters underlying punctuation in older Russian texts. Textual Parameters in Older Languages Amsterdam/Philadelphia [Book chapter]


Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1999) Numeral Types and Changes Worldwide. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs Berlin [u.a.] 118 [Book]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1999) Some remarks on numeral morphosyntax in Slavic. Gvozdanović, Jadranka Numeral Types and Changes Worldwide Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs Berlin [u.a.] 118 187-196 [Book chapter]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1999) South Slavic prosody. Hulst, Harry van der Word Prosodic Systems in the Languages of Europe Empirical Approaches to Language Typology Berlin [u.a.] 20,4 839-876 [Book chapter]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1999) Types of numeral systems. Numeral Types and Changes Worldwide Berlin/New York 95-111 [Book chapter]


Gvozdanovic, Jadranka Morfologie en syntaxis van kwantificatie in het Russisch. Hoekstra, Eric Cahiers van het P. J. Meertens-Instituut 1998 34-45 In: Morfologiedagen 1996 : Lezingen gehouden tijden de Morfologiedagen op donderdag 19 en vrijdag 20 september 1996 in Amsterdam (1998) Amsterdam [Conference or workshop publication]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka Vidovye parametry i vzaimootnosenie mezdu tipologijami vida i vremeni v slavjanskich jazykach. Košelev, Aleksej D. Tipologija vida : problemy, poiski, resenija; materialy mezdunarodnoj naucnoj konferencii, 16-19 sentjabrja 1997 g., MGU im. M. V. Lomonosova 115-124 In: Tipologija vida : problemy, poiski, rešenija; [materialy meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferencii 16 - 19 sentjabrja 1997 g., MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova] (1998) Moskva [Conference or workshop publication]


Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1997) How languages living apart together may innovate their systems (as illustrated by 'to' in Russian). Language History and Linguistic Modelling : A Festschrift for Jacek Fisiak on his 60th Birthday. (II Bd.) Berlin 1069-1081 [Book chapter]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1997) Language Change and Functional Explanations. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs Berlin [u.a.] 98 [Book]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1997) Tracing the origin of a change. Gvozdanović, Jadranka Language Change and Functional explanations Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs Berlin [u.a.] 98 71-87 [Book chapter]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1997) Typology and evaluation of linguistic reconstruction. Fisiak, Jacek Linguistic Reconstruction and Typology Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs Berlin [u.a.] 96 103-122 [Book chapter]


Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1996) Locila v Brizinskih spomenikih. Brizinski spomeniki Ljubljana 203-212 [Book chapter]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1996) Reported speech in South Slavic. Reported Speech in Various Languages Amsterdam 57-71 [Book chapter]


Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1995) Parameters underlying the organization of medieval Russian texts. Historical Linguistics Amsterdam 177-190 [Book chapter]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1995) Remarks on sign-oriented approaches to language analysis. Meaning as Explanation Berlin [u.a.] 169-174 [Book chapter]

Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1995) Tense systems in western South Slavic. Thieroff, Rolf Tense Systems in European Languages Tübingen 2 181-194 [Book chapter]


Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1992) Indo-European Numerals. Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs Berlin [u.a.] 57 [Book]


Gvozdanovic, Jadranka ; Janssen, Theo (1991) The Function of Tense in Texts : [proceedings of the Colloquium 'The Function of Tense in Texts', Amsterdam, 10 - 12 April 1990]. Amsterdam [Book]


Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1985) Language System and its Change : on Theory and Testability. Berlin [u.a.] [Book]


Gvozdanovic, Jadranka (1980) Tone and Accent in Standard Serbo-Croatian : with a Synopsis of Serbo-Croatian Phonology. Wien [Book]

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