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Berning, Nora ; Nünning, Ansgar ; Schwanecke, Christine (2015) (Trans-)national criteria, norms and standards in literary studies : a comparative analysis of criteria-based 'ex ante' evaluation forms of funding proposals in the humanities. Germanisch-romanische Monatsschrift : GRM Heidelberg 65 1 115-135 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Berning, Nora ; Nünning, Ansgar ; Schwanecke, Christine (2014) Unpacking 'Traveling Concepts' and Introducing the Notion of Reframing, or: How to Work with Concepts and Come to Terms with Conceptual Transfers. Berning, Nora Reframing concepts in literary and cultural studies : theorizing and analyzing conceptual transfers ELCH : Studies in English Literary and Cultural History Trier 61 1-35 [Buchkapitel]

Basseler, Michael ; Nünning, Ansgar ; Schwanecke, Christine (2013) The Cultural Dynamics of Generic Change : Surveying Kinds and Problems of Literary History and Accounting for the Development of Genres. Basseler, Michael The cultural dynamics of generic change in contemporary fiction ELCH : Studies in English Literary and Cultural History Trier 56 1-40 [Buchkapitel]


Lusin, Caroline ; Schwanecke, Christine Women in men's shoes : 'sheroes' in literatures and cultures of the British Isles, the Commonwealth and beyond. Zwierlein, Anne-Julia Proceedings of the Conference of the German Association of University Teachers of English 39 183-187 In: Anglistentag 2017 Regensburg : proceedings (2018) Trier 39. Anglistentag 2017 (Regensburg, Germany) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Nünning, Ansgar ; Schwanecke, Christine (2015) The performative power of unreliable nNarration and focalisation in drama and theatre : conceptualising the specificity of dramatic unreliability. Nünning, Vera Unreliable narration and trustworthiness : intermedial and interdisciplinary perspectives Narratologia Berlin 44 189-219 [Buchkapitel]

Nünning, Ansgar ; Schwanecke, Christine (2013) Crossing Generic Borders – Blurring Generic Boundaries : Hybridization as a Catalyst for Generic Change and for the Transformation of Systems of Genres. Basseler, Michael The cultural dynamics of generic change in contemporary fiction ELCH : Studies in English Literary and Cultural History Trier 56 115-146 [Buchkapitel]


Schwanecke, Christine (2018) Exploring fragile relationships in the twenty-first century : love and marriage in David Nicholl's One Day (2009) and Mark Haddon's The Read House (2012). Nünning, Vera The British novel in the twenty-first century : cultural concerns - literary developments - model interpretations WVT-Handbücher zum literaturwissenschaftlichen Studium Trier 20 173-185 [Buchkapitel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2017) Mobile people, weapons, and data streams; mobile audiences and theatre spaces : Rimini Protokoll's Situation rooms as a globalised theatre experience. Journal of Contemporary Drama in English Berlin ; Boston, MA 5 2 358-371 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2017) Data streams, post-human lives, and (virtual) realities : Jules Horne's Gorgeous Avatar (2006). Frank, Kerstin Finance, terror, and science on stage : current public concerns in 21st-century British drama Mannheimer Beiträge zur Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft Tübingen 82 145-165 [Buchkapitel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2016) Theatre, narrative, and cultural change on the early modern stage : Richard Brome's A jovial crew (1641/2) at the dawn of the English Civil War. REAL : yearbook of research in English and American literature Tübingen 32 145-167 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2015) Filmic modes in literature. Rippl, Gabriele Handbook of intermediality : literature - image - sound - music Handbooks of English and American Studies Berlin 1 268-286 [Buchkapitel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2015) 'Ein Bild sagt mehr als tausend Worte' : Sympathielenkung in Leanne Shaptons literarischem Fotoexperiment. Lusin, Caroline Empathie, Sympathie und Narration : Strategien der Rezeptionslenkung in Prosa, Drama und Film Anglistische Forschungen Heidelberg 450 193-205 [Buchkapitel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2014) Exploring the Intersection of Space and Experience : An Introduction. Berning, Nora Experiencing space - spacing experience : concepts, practices, and materialities Giessen Contributions to the Study of Culture : GCSC Trier 12 1-19 [Buchkapitel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2014) The Metaphorical Concept of Reframing : Its History, Problems and Heuristic Value. Berning, Nora Reframing concepts in literary and cultural studies : theorizing and analyzing conceptual transfers ELCH : Studies in English Literary and Cultural History Trier 61 39-53 [Buchkapitel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2014) Intertextuality & Intermediality : Where Literature Meets Literature and/or other Media - Or, A Get-together of Lizzie Bennet, Bridget Jones, and Keira Knightley. Nünning, Ansgar Key concepts and new topics in English and American studies ELCH : Studies in English Literary and Cultural History Trier 58 283-300 [Buchkapitel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2013) 'Turning Points and Falling Bodies' : Literary Investigations into the Cultural Life of the Catastrophe of 9/11 and its Aftermath. Germanisch-romanische Monatsschrift : GRM Heidelberg 63 3 383-391 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2012) Intermedial storytelling : thematisation, imitation and incorporation of photography in English and American fiction at the turn of the 21st century. Trier [Buch]

Schwanecke, Christine (2011) Erzählen in Anlehnung an die Photographie und mit der Photographie in zeitgenössischen Romanen - zwei Fallbeispiele. Nünning, Ansgar Medialisierung des Erzählens im englischsprachigen Roman der Gegenwart ELCH : Studies in English Literary and Cultural History Trier 50 135-152 [Buchkapitel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2011) John Irving’s A Widow for One Year and Tod Williams’ The Door in the Floor as ‘(mult-)i-conic’ works of art. Michelucci, Pascal Semblance and Signification Iconicity in Language and Literature : ILL Amsterdam [u.a.] 10 405-422 [Buchkapitel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2011) Metareference in Marianne Wiggins’s Literary Photo-Text The Shadow Catcher and Other Novels Referring to the Photographic Medium. Wolf, Werner The metareferential turn in contemporary arts and media : forms, functions, attempts at explanation Studies in Intermediality Amsterdam [u.a.] 5 145-168 [Buchkapitel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2011) Learning Martin Amis' "The Last Days of Muhammad Atta" (2006) : die (Weiter)Entwicklung von Lese- und interkultureller Kompetenz anhand einer postmodernen Kurzgeschichte. Bauder-Begerow, Irina Learning 9/11 : teaching for key competences in literary and cultural studies Anglistik & Englischunterricht : a & e Heidelberg 78 199-218 [Buchkapitel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2009) Don DeLillo, The Body Artist. Schloss, Dietmar Zweiundzwanzig amerikanische Romane aus dem neuen Jahrhundert : literaturkritische Essays zur Einführung Trier 111-121 [Buchkapitel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2008) Anaylsieren, Strukturieren, Argumentieren. Nünning, Vera Schlüsselkompetenzen: Qualifikationen für Studium und Beruf Stuttgart 78-90 [Buchkapitel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2003) Entsorgung. Bär, Jochen A. Von "aufmüpfig" bis "Teuro" : die "Wörter der Jahre" 1971 - 2002 Thema Deutsch Mannheim [u.a.] 4 137-138 [Lexikonartikel]

Schwanecke, Christine (2003) Eureka. Bär, Jochen A. Von "aufmüpfig" bis "Teuro" : die "Wörter der Jahre" 1971 - 2002 Thema Deutsch Mannheim [u.a.] 4 142-143 [Lexikonartikel]

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