Anzahl der Einträge: 21. 2008
Baumgart, André ; Zöller, Anja ; Denz, Christof ; Bender, Hans-Joachim ; Heinzl, Armin ; Badreddin, Essameddin
Using Computer Simulation in Operating Room Management: Impacts on Process Engineering and Performance.
Sprague, Ralph H.
40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science, HICSS-40 2007, Abstracts Proceedings, 3-6 January 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA
In: Proceedings of the 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences : 3-6 January, 2007, Big Island, Hawaii : abstracts and CD-ROM of full papers
Washington, DC
Zöller, Anja ; Denz, Christof ; Baumgart, André ; Bender, Hans-Joachim ; Badreddin, Essameddin ; Heinzl, Armin
Information Need an IT demands for Business Process Reengineering in Operation Room Manangement.
European Conference on eHealth 2006 : proceedings of the ECEH'06; Fribourg, Switzerland, October 12-13, 2006
European Conference on eHealth 2006 : proceedings of the ECEH'06; Fribourg, Switzerland, October 12-13, 2006
Becker, Susanne ; Kleinböhl, Dieter ; Klossika, Iris ; Bender, Hans-Joachim ; Hölzl, Rupert
Modulation of pain perception by intrinsic operant learning in healthy subjects.
Flor, Herta
Abstracts / 11th World Congress on Pain; August 21 - 26, 2005, Sydney, Australia
In: Abstracts / 11th World Congress on Pain; August 21 - 26, 2005, Sydney, Australia
Kleinböhl, Dieter ; Bender, Hans-Joachim ; Görtelmeyer, Roman ; Hölzl, Rupert ; Konrad, Christoph
Effects of the NMDA-anatagonist amantadine sulfate on psychophysical measures of sensitization in chronic pain patients and healthy subjects.
Dostrovsky, Jonathan O.
Abstracts of the 10th World Congress on Pain, San Diego, 2002
In: Abstracts / 10th World Congress on Pain, San Diego, California, Usa, August 17-22, 2002
Seattle, Wash.
Schill, Markus A. ; Grimm, Jan ; Weigel, Robert ; Schmiedeck, Peter ; Bender, Hans-Joachim ; Männer, Reinhard
Biomechanical Brain Simulation for Support of Decompressive Craniectomy.
Goh, J. C. H.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference On Biomedical Engineering
In: Proceedings / Tenth International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, 6 - 9 December 2000, Mandarin Hotel, Singapore
Hennen, Marc ; Schill, Markus A. ; Wagner, Clemens ; Knorz, Michael C. ; Bender, Hans-Joachim ; Männer, Reinhard
Virtual Reality in Microsurgical Education - A Simulator for Intra-ocular Surgery.
Proceedings / HighCare 2000
In: High care : book of abstracts ; high tech medicine, patient care, micro therapy, telemedicine ; Feb. 25 - 27, 2000, Bochum, Germany ; international congress, Audimax, Ruhr-University Bochum
Schill, Markus A. ; Wagner, Clemens ; Hennen, Marc ; Bender, Hans-Joachim ; Männer, Reinhard
EyeSi - A Simulator for Intra-ocular Surgery.
Taylor, Chris
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: Medical image computing and computer assisted intervention - MICCAI '99 ; second international conference, Cambridge, UK, September 19 - 22, 1999 ; proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
Körner, Olaf ; Schill, Markus A. ; Wagner, Clemens ; Bender, Hans-Joachim ; Männer, Reinhard
Haptic Volume Rendering with an Intermediate Local Representation.
Dillmann, Rüdiger
Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Haptic Devices in Medical Applications
In: First International Workshop on Haptic Devices in Medical Applications : proceedings; 23rd of June 1999, Paris, France
Bender, Hans-Joachim ; Männer, Reinhard ; Poliwoda, Christoph ; Roth, Stefan ; Walz, M.
Reconstruction of 3D Catheter Paths from 2D X-Ray Projections.
Medical image computing and computer assisted intervention - MICCAI '99 : Second International Conference, Cambridge, UK, September 19 - 22, 1999; proceedings
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Berlin [u.a.]
Wagner, Clemens ; Schill, Markus A. ; Hennen, Marc ; Jendritza, Bettina ; Knorz, Michael C. ; Bender, Hans-Joachim
Virtuelle Vitrektomie: Computer Simulation einer intraokularen Augenoperation.
Busse, H.
Tagung der DOG / Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft
In: Funktionsverbessernde und ästhetische Therapie in der Augenheilkunde : 23. - 26. September 1999 in Berlin
Schill, Markus A. ; Reinhart, Christof ; Günther, Thomas ; Poliwoda, Christoph ; Hesser, Jürgen ; Schinkmann, Martin ; Bender, Hans-Joachim ; Männer, Reinhard
Simulation of Brain Tissue and Realtime Volume Visualisation Integrating Biomechanical Simulations into the VIRIM System.
Proc. CAR ´97, Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Berlin, 06.1997
In: CAR '97 : computer assisted radiology and surgery; proceedings of the 11th International Symposium and Exhibition, Berlin, 25-28 June 1997
Amsterdam [u.a.]
Schill, Markus A. ; Schinkmann, Martin ; Bender, Hans-Joachim ; Männer, Reinhard
Biomechanical Simulation of the Falx cerebri Using the Finite Element Method.
Proceedings of the 18. Annual International Conference, IEEE Engeneering in Medicine and Biology
In: Bridging disciplines for biomedicine : Conference proceedings 1996 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 18th Annual International Conference, 31 October - 3 November 1996, RAI Int. Exhibition and Congress Center, Amsterdam
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