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Anzahl der Einträge: 3.

Bieber, Christiane ; Nicolai, Jennifer ; Gschwendtner, Kathrin ; Müller, Nicole ; Reuter, Katrin ; Buchholz, Angela ; Kallinowski, Birgit ; Härter, Martin ; Eich, Wolfgang (2018) How does a Shared Decision-Making (SDM) intervention for oncologists affect participation style and preference matching in patients with breast and colon cancer? Journal of Cancer Education New York, NY 33 3 708-715 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Nicolai, Jennifer ; Buchholz, Angela ; Seefried, Nathalie ; Reuter, Katrin ; Härter, Martin ; Eich, Wolfgang ; Bieber, Christiane (2016) When do cancer patients regret their treatment decision? : A path analysis of the influence of clinicians' communication styles and the match of decision-making styles on decision regret. Patient Education and Counseling Amsterdam [u.a.] 99 5 739-746 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Härter, Martin ; Buchholz, Angela ; Nicolai, Jennifer ; Reuter, Katrin ; Komarahadi, Fely ; Kriston, Levente ; Kallinowski, Birgit ; Eich, Wolfgang ; Bieber, Christiane (2015) Shared decision making and the use of decision aids : a cluster-randomized study on the efficacy of a training in an oncology setting. Deutsches Ärzteblatt international Köln 112 40 672-679 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

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