Anzahl der Einträge: 12. Dissertation
Simmler, Harald ; Bindewald, Eckart ; Männer, Reinhard
Acceleration of Protein Energy Calculation by FPGAs.
Valafar, Faramarz
Proc. Int´l Conf. Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences (METMBS 2000)
In: METMBS '00: proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 26-29, 2000
Las Vegas, Nev.
Singpiel, Holger ; Simmler, Harald ; Kugel, Andreas ; Männer, Reinhard ; Vieira, Arnaldo ; Galvez-Durand, Federico ; Alcantara, Joenel ; Alves, Vladimir
Implementation of Cryptographic Applications on the Reconfigurable FPGA Coprocessor MicroEnable.
Reis, Ricardo
Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and System Design
In: Proceedings / 13th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design : 18-24 September 2000, Manaus, Brazil
Los Alamitos, Calif. [u.a.]
Simmler, Harald ; Levinson, Lorne ; Männer, Reinhard
Multitasking on FPGA Coprocessors.
Hartenstein, Reiner W.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
In: Field programmable logic and applications : the roadmap to reconfigurable computing; 10th International Conference, FPL 2000, Villach, Austria, August 27 - 30, 2000; proceedings
Berlin [u.a.]
Levinson, Lorne ; Männer, Reinhard ; Sessler, Matthias ; Simmler, Harald
Preemptive Multitasking on FPGA's.
Hutchings, Brad L.
Proc. Symp. Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM'00)
In: Proceedings / 2000 IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines : April 17 - 19, 2000, Napa Valley, California
Los Alamitos, Calif. [u.a.]
Kornmesser, Klaus ; Kuberka, Torsten ; Kugel, Andreas ; Männer, Reinhard ; Rühl, Stephan ; Sessler, Matthias ; Simmler, Harald ; Singpiel, Holger
ATLANTIS : A Hybrid Approach Combining the Power of FPGA and RISC Processors based on Compact PCI.
Proc. FCCM'98, IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines
In: FPGA '99 : ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays; [Monterey, California, February 21-23, 1999]
New York, NY
Brosch, Oliver ; Dillinger, Peter ; Kornmesser, Klaus ; Kugel, Andreas ; Männer, Reinhard ; Sessler, Matthias ; Simmler, Harald ; Singpiel, Holger ; Rühl, Stephan ; Lay, Ralf ; Noffz, Klaus-Henning ; Levinson, Lorne
MicroEnable: A Reconfigurable FPGA Coprocessor.
Decosse, C.
Proceedings of the fourth Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experiments
In: Electronics for LHC experiments : Proceedings, 4th Workshop, Rome, Italy, September 21-25, 1998
Kugel, Andreas ; Kornmesser, Klaus ; Lay, Ralf ; Ludvig, Jozsef ; Männer, Reinhard ; Noffz, Klaus-Henning ; Rühl, Stephan ; Sessler, Matthias ; Simmler, Harald
50 kHz Pattern Recognition on a Large FPGA Processor.
Pocek, Kenneth L.
IEEE Symposium on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines : April 15-17, 1998, Napa Valley, Calif. ; proceedings
In: Proceedings / IEEE Symposium on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines, April 15 - 17, 1998, Napa Valley, California
Los Alamitos, Calif. [u.a.]
Brosch, Oliver ; Dillinger, Peter ; Kornmesser, Klaus ; Kugel, Andreas ; Männer, Reinhard ; Rissmann, Rüdiger ; Rühl, Stephan ; Simmler, Harald ; Singpiel, Holger ; Lay, Ralf
Simulating FPGA-Coprocessors using FPGA Development System CHDL.
Proceedings / 1998 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques; Paris, France, October 12-18, 1998; PACT '98
In: Proceedings / 1998 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques : Paris, France, October 12-18, 1998; PACT '98
Los Alamitos, Calif. [u.a.]
Kugel, Andreas ; Lay, Ralf ; Ludvig, Jozsef ; Männer, Reinhard ; Noffz, Klaus-Henning ; Rühl, Stephan ; Sessler, Matthias ; Simmler, Harald ; Singpiel, Holger
A Hybrid Approach for the ATLAS Level-2 Trigger.
Proc. 3rd Workshop on Electronics for LHC Experim.
In: Electronics for LHC experiments : Proceedings, 3rd Workshop, London, UK, September 22-26, 1997
Hinkelbein, Christian ; Kugel, Andreas ; Männer, Reinhard ; Müller, Matthias ; Sessler, Matthias ; Simmler, Harald ; Singpiel, Holger ; Baines, John ; Bock, Rudolf K. ; Smizanska, Maria
Pattern Recognition in the TRT for the ATLAS B-Physics Trigger.
CERN Technical Report ATL-DAQ
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