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Anzahl der Einträge: 7.

Groß, Julia ; Kreis, Barbara K. ORCID: 0000-0002-8520-6475 ; Blank, Hartmut ; Pachur, Thorsten (2023) Knowledge updating in real-world estimation: Connecting hindsight bias and seeding effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General Washington, DC [u.a.] 2023 tba [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Vogel, Tobias ; Ingendahl, Moritz ORCID: 0000-0002-2124-0754 ; Winkielman, Piotr (2021) The architecture of prototype preferences: Typicality, fluency, and valence. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General Washington, DC [u.a.] 150 1 187-194 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Vogel, Tobias ; Silva, Rita R. ; Thomas, Aurelia ; Wänke, Michaela (2020) Truth is in the mind, but beauty is in the eye: Fluency effects are moderated by a match between fluency source and judgment dimension. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General Washington, DC [u.a.] 149 8 1587-1596 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Glöckner, Andreas ; Hilbig, Benjamin E. ; Henninger, Felix ; Fiedler, Susann (2016) The reversed description-experience gap : disentangling sources of presentation format effects in risky choice. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General Washington, DC 145 4 486-508 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Genschow, Oliver ; Florack, Arnd ; Wänke, Michaela (2013) The power of movement: Evidence for context independent movement imitation. Open Access Journal of Experimental Psychology. General Washington, DC [u.a.] 142 3 763-773 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Bröder, Arndt ORCID: 0000-0002-2658-4791 ; Schiffer, Stefanie (2003) 'Take The Best' versus simultaneous feature matching: Probabilistic inferences from memory and effects of reprensentation format. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General Washington, DC [u.a.] 132 2 277-293 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Erdfelder, Edgar ORCID: 0000-0003-1032-3981 ; Buchner, Axel (1998) Process dissociation measurement models: Threshold theory or signal-detection theory? Journal of Experimental Psychology. General Washington, DC [u.a.] 127 1 83-96 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

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