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Lahn, Silke ; Neu-Wendel, Stephanie Towards a crossing of the divide between fiction and non-fiction in European television series and movies: The examples of the Italian Romanzo Criminale and the Danish Klovn. Hansen, Per Krogh Narratologia 57 171-192 In: Emerging vectors of narratology (2017) Berlin 3. European Narratology Network Conference (Paris, France) [Konferenzveröffentlichung]


Nünning, Ansgar ; Schwanecke, Christine (2015) The performative power of unreliable nNarration and focalisation in drama and theatre : conceptualising the specificity of dramatic unreliability. Nünning, Vera Unreliable narration and trustworthiness : intermedial and interdisciplinary perspectives Narratologia Berlin 44 189-219 [Buchkapitel]

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