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Anzahl der Einträge: 3.


Dyer, Anne ; Borgmann, Elisabeth ; Kleindienst, Nikolaus ; Feldmann, Robert E. ; Vocks, Silja ; Bohus, Martin (2013) Body image in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder after childhood sexual abuse and co-occurring eating disorder. Psychopathology Basel [u.a.] 46 3 186-191 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Licata, Maria ; Zietlow, Anna-Lena ; Träuble, Birgit ; Sodian, Beate ; Reck, Corinna (2016) Maternal emotional availability and its association with maternal psychopathology, attachment style insecurity and theory of mind. Psychopathology Basel [u.a.] 49 5 334-340 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Mielke, Emilia Louisa ; Neukel, Corinne ; Fuchs, Anna ; Hillmann, Karen ; Zietlow, Anna-Lena ; Bertsch, Katja ; Reck, Corinna ; Möhler, Eva ; Herpertz, Sabine C. (2020) The cycle of abuse: Emotional availability in resilient and non-resilient mothers with early öife maltreatment. Psychopathology Basel [u.a.] 53 5/6 298-305 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

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