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Hauben, Hans ; Meeus, Alexander (2014) Introduction. New perspectives on the age of the successors. Hauben, Hans The age of the successors and the creation of the Hellenistic kingdoms (323 - 276 B.C.) Studia Hellenistica Leuven ; Paris ; Bristol 53 1-8 [Buchkapitel]


Meeus, Alexander (2018) History’s aims and audience in the proem to Diodoros’ Bibliotheke. Hau, Lisa Irene Diodoros of Sicily : historiographical theory and practice in the Bibliotheke Studia Hellenistica Leuven ; Paris ; Bristol 58 149-174 [Buchkapitel]

Meeus, Alexander ; Hau, Irene Lisa ; Sheridan, Brian (2018) Introduction. Hau, Lisa Irene Diodoros of Sicily : historiographical theory and practice in the Bibliotheke Studia Hellenistica Leuven ; Paris ; Bristol 58 3-12 [Buchkapitel]

Meeus, Alexander (2014) The territorial ambitions of Ptolemy I. Hauben, Hans The age of the successors and the creation of the Hellenistic kingdoms (323 - 276 B.C.) Studia Hellenistica Leuven ; Paris ; Bristol 53 53 263-306 [Buchkapitel]

Meeus, Alexander (2009) Kleopatra and the Diadochoi. Nuffelen, Peter van Faces of Hellenism : studies in the history of the Eastern Mediterranean (4th century B. C. - 5th century A. D.) Studia Hellenistica Leuven ; Paris ; Bristol 48 48 63-92 [Buchkapitel]

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