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Senftleben, Martin ; Kerk, Maximilian ; Buiten, Miriam ; Heine, Klaus (2017) New rights or new business models? An inquiry into the future of publishing in the digital era. IIC : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law Berlin ; Heidelberg 48 5 538-561 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Heine, Klaus ; Senftleben, Martin ; Kerk, Maximilian ; Buiten, Miriam ; Lachman, Nandenie (2017) Nieuwe rechten voor nieuwe businessmodellen in de uitgeefsector. AMI : Tijdschrift voor Auteurs-, Media- & Informatierecht Amsterdam 41 1 5-16 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Buiten, Miriam ; Wijck, Peter van ; Winters, Jan Kees (2018) Does the European damages directive make consumers better off? Journal of Competition Law & Economics Oxford 14 1 91-114 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Buiten, Miriam ; Wijck, Peter van ; Winters, Jan Kees (2018) De Richtlijn inzake schadevorderingen bij inbreuken op het mededingingsrecht: gevolgen voor de clementieregeling. SEW : Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht Zutphen 2018 10 395-403 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Buiten, Miriam (2019) Towards intelligent regulation of Artificial Intelligence. European Journal of Risk Regulation : EJRR Berlin 10 1 41-59 [Zeitschriftenartikel]

Buiten, Miriam (2019) The ambivalent effect of antitrust damages on deterrence. The Antitrust Chronicle Cambridge, MA 3 1 1-9 [Zeitschriftenartikel]


Bhattacharya, Shilpi ; Buiten, Miriam (2018) Privacy as a competition law concern? Lessons from Facebook/WhatsApp. Faure, Michael G. Don't take it seriously : essays in law and economics in honour of Roger Van den Bergh Cambridge ; Antwerp ; Portland 115-134 [Buchkapitel]

Buiten, Miriam (2019) Regulating data giants: Between competition law and data protection law. Mathis, Klaus New developments in competition law and economics Economic Analysis of Law in European Legal Scholarship Cham 7 265-294 [Buchkapitel]

Buiten, Miriam (2020) Platforms and economic implications. Linardatos, Dimitrios Rechtshandbuch Robo Advice : automatisierte Finanz- und Versicherungsdienste München 539-554 [Buchkapitel]


Buiten, Miriam ; Streel, Alexandre de ; Peitz, Martin (2019) Rethinking liability rules for online hosting platforms. Discussion Paper Series - CRC TR 224 Bonn 074 [Arbeitspapier]


Streel, Alexandre de ; Buiten, Miriam ; Peitz, Martin (2018) Liability of online hosting platforms : should exceptionalism end? Brussels [Bericht]

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