Since September 2011, MADOC (MANNHEIM ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT SERVER) combines the formerly separate research repository and the university bibliography on one platform. MADOC is a service offered and maintained by the Mannheim University Library.

MADOC publishes your documents

Members of the University of Mannheim may use MADOC as a research repository in order to make their academic work available permanently and worldwide. This service is free of charge. MADOC provides a platform for first publications of new research such as working papers or doctoral dissertations. Additionally, MADOC allows for second publications (or self-archiving) of works that were already published in another source (e.g. a journal) if the author holds the appropriate rights.

MADOC is the university bibliography

MADOC also serves as a university bibliography. All publications of members of the University of Mannheim that were created as part of their work at the university are being recorded. To that end, researchers of the university are encouraged to update their publications list on MADOC regularly. The items on MADOC will then provide the basis for the research report of the university.

MADOC reflects the research achievements of the University of Mannheim

MADOC provides a comprehensive overview of the research activities at the University of Mannheim. All members of the university are encouraged to deposit first or second publications on MADOC and thereby increase the visibility of Mannheim as a research hub.

The Mannheim University Library supports all members of the university in working with MADOC. Thereby, the library wants to contribute to comprehensively present the research achievements of the university for academia and for the interested public with reliable access to the resources.


MADOC supports OAI 2.0 with the base URL