Information and communication technologies , general purpose technologies , intermediate input markets , innovation , firm level data
This paper studies the impact of the adoption of ICT on the economic performance
at the firm level, considering explicitly the interaction of adopting firms
within the intermediate input market in Germany. The paper identifies and quantifies
the importance of adoption externalities and knowledge spillovers inherent
in the introduction of ICT. The results show that the adoption of ICT at the firm
level is positively affected by the use of ICT downstream and upstream (i.e. by a
firm’s clients and suppliers). Moreover, the use of ICT upstream(i.e. by a firm’s suppliers)
negatively affects the extend of IT outsourcing at the firm level, suggesting
a substitution effect between inputs provided by suppliers with an intense use of
ICT and a firm’s demand for external IT services. The paper also finds that the use
of ICT within the intermediate input markets positively affects the efficiency of internal
processes by increasing the cost reductions generated by the introduction of
process innovations.
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