Information technology , decentralized work organization , complementarity , productivity , enterprise software , firm-level data
This paper examines whether information technology (IT) and decentralized
work organization are complementary only for large firms or also for smaller firms.
Empirical evidence, which suggests complementarity between IT and decentralization,
is mainly based on large firms. Using data from a sample of 3292 SMEs and
of 598 larger firms from the manufacturing and service sector in Germany, I can
observe firms’ IT intensity in terms of enterprise software and computer use and
whether firms have a decentralized work organization. I find that SMEs with decentralized
work practices tend to use IT more intensively. Moreover, for the sample
of SMEs, IT and decentralized work organization are individually associated with
higher productivity but the combination of IT and decentralization does not yield
a productivity premium. Contrarily, for the sample of larger firms, the results show
that the productivity of IT depends positively on decentralization. The findings suggest
that combining IT and decentralized work organization seems to be a successful
strategy only for larger firms.
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