Internal versus external supply chain risks: A risk disclosure analysis

Bode, Christoph ; Kemmerling, René ; Wagner, Stephan M.

Document Type: Book chapter
Year of publication: 2013
Book title: Supply Chain Safety Management
Page range: 109-122
Publisher: Eßig, Michael
Place of publication: Berlin [u.a.]
Publishing house: Springer
ISBN: 978-3-642-32020-0 , 978-3-642-32021-7
ISSN: 2194-8917
Publication language: English
Institution: Business School > Stiftungslehrstuhl für Procurement (Bode 2014-)
Subject: 650 Management
Abstract: The globalization of factor and logistics markets, developments in modern information and communications technologies, and increasingly demanding customers are just a few mega trends in the last decade. In order to cope with these challenges many firms first reengineered their internal operational and organizational processes to cut costs, increase product and service quality, and remain agile in fast changing environments. But to stay innovative and competitive many firms recognized that internal improvements are too myopic. Therefore the management of supply chains (SCM) has become very prominent since the 1980s and is now widely regarded as one of the main critical success factors and considered as a key enabler of strategic change and source of strategic advantage for organizations.

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