Analysis of US corporate tax reform proposals and their effects for Europe and Germany : final report - update 2018Spengel, Christoph ; Heinemann, Friedrich ; Olbert, Marcel ; Pfeiffer, Olena ; Schwab, Thomas ; Stutzenberger, Kathrin This is the latest version of this item.
Available versions of this item
Spengel, Christoph
Heinemann, Friedrich
Olbert, Marcel
Pfeiffer, Olena
Schwab, Thomas
Stutzenberger, Kathrin
Google Scholar: Spengel, Christoph ; Heinemann, Friedrich ; Olbert, Marcel ; Pfeiffer, Olena ; Schwab, Thomas ; Stutzenberger, Kathrin ORCID: Spengel, Christoph ; Heinemann, Friedrich ; Olbert, Marcel ORCID: 0000-0001-8689-9843 ; Pfeiffer, Olena ; Schwab, Thomas ; Stutzenberger, Kathrin Page ViewsYou have found an error? Please let us know about your desired correction here: E-Mail Actions (login required)