Turnover of individuals with similar career sequences as predictor of employer change

Dlouhy, Katja ; Biemann, Torsten

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2016.117
URL: https://journals.aom.org/doi/10.5465/ambpp.2016.11...
Additional URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320788251...
Document Type: Conference or workshop publication
Year of publication: 2016
The title of a journal, publication series: Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management
Volume: 2016
Page range: 117
Conference title: 2016 Annual Meeting Academy of Management
Location of the conference venue: Anaheim, CA
Date of the conference: 05.-09.08.2016
Place of publication: Chicago, IL
Publishing house: Academy of Management
ISSN: 0065-0668 , 2151-6561
Publication language: English
Institution: Außerfakultäre Einrichtungen > Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences - CDSB (Business Studies)
Business School > ABWL, Personalmanagement u. Führung (Biemann 2013-)
Subject: 330 Economics
Keywords (English): Career pattern , Optimal matching analysis , Turnover
Abstract: Occupational career patterns are conceptualized as sequences that consist of individuals’ occupational states and employer changes. These sequences are often similar, as many careers are path dependent and follow general patterns. Our hypothesis is that employee turnover can be predicted by employer changes of individuals with similar career trajectories. We derived 1,651 career sequences that incorporate 20 years of individuals’ occupational positions from a large national panel. The similarity of career sequences was assessed with the optimal matching method. We then used the resulting similarity measures as weights for a novel predictor of individuals’ employer changes. In support of our hypothesis, employer changes in similar career sequences predicted turnover. The method introduced in this study could help in reinforcing the use of prospective, longitudinal designs in career literature.

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