Signs of narcissism of CEOs: Validating a widely used measure

Koch-Bayram, Irmela ; Biemann, Torsten

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Document Type: Conference or workshop publication
Year of publication: 2014
The title of a journal, publication series: Annual Meeting Proceedings / Academy of Management
Volume: 2014
Page range: 16134
Conference title: Academy of Management 2014 Annual Meeting
Location of the conference venue: Philadelphia, PA
Date of the conference: 01.-05.08.2014
Place of publication: Chicago, IL
Publishing house: Academy of Management
ISSN: 0065-0668 , 2151-6561
Publication language: English
Institution: Business School > ABWL, Personalmanagement u. Führung (Biemann 2013-)
Subject: 330 Economics
Abstract: Recent research on CEOs’ narcissism mostly used an index developed by Chatterjee and Hambrick (2007), even though these unobtrusive measures have not been validated so far. In an online experiment with 601 participants, we analyze the construct validity of this narcissism index (NI). We find that the NI is only moderately correlated with the commonly used Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), which questions the convergent validity of the NI. We further alter the company’s financial performance in our experimental design and find that previous performance impacts NI measures. That is, individuals show higher levels in the NI after a year with good company performance and lower values after a year with bad company performance. This questions the validity of previous findings using the NI, as it reverses the common assumption of cause and effect (i.e. narcissism impacts company outcomes).
Additional information: Geburtsname: Koch, Irmela

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