Wörterbücher im Internet

Storrer, Angelika ; Freese, Katrin

Additional URL: https://pub.ids-mannheim.de/abgeschlossen/orbis/wb...
Document Type: Article
Year of publication: 1996
The title of a journal, publication series: Deutsche Sprache : ds
Volume: 24
Issue number: 2
Page range: 97-153
Place of publication: Berlin ; Mannheim
Publishing house: Schmidt ; IDS, Institut für Deutsche Sprache
ISSN: 0340-9341 , 1868-775X , 1866-5233
Publication language: German
Institution: School of Humanities > Germanistische Linguistik (Storrer 2014-2023)
Subject: 400 Language, linguistics
430 German

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BASE: Storrer, Angelika ; Freese, Katrin

Google Scholar: Storrer, Angelika ; Freese, Katrin

ORCID: Storrer, Angelika ORCID: 0000-0003-2697-2046 ; Freese, Katrin

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