The coexistence of the alternative models of corporate control in the developed countries suggests that the possible "lessons" for the transitional economies may not be so obvious. It makes little sense to judge the merits of each corporate governance model and its applicability to the transitional economies without taking into account a country's stage of development and the history of its institutions and conventions. In designing corporate governance structures for the transitional economies, economists are required to identify the specific conditions under which each corporate control model (or combination of models) works, the availability of these conditions in the transitional economies, and the most efficient approach to achieve these conditions. By pooling rich individual country studies and cross-examining and comparing their implications, we may be able to avoid premature generalizations or theorizing based on the observation of a single economy. By comparing the workings of diverse systems, we may also be able to uncover latent factors that are conducive to, or constrain, the workability of particular governance structures. Comparative analysis may thus serve in the social sciences as a kind of proxy for laboratory experiments.
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