Asymmetric information, bank lending and implicit contracts: the winner's curse

Thadden, Ernst-Ludwig von

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Document Type: Working paper
Year of publication: 1998
The title of a journal, publication series: Cahiers de Recherches Économiques
Volume: 98-09
Place of publication: Lausanne
Publishing house: Département d'Econométrie et d'Economie Politique, Université de Lausanne ; HEC
Edition: Rev. 2001
Publication language: English
Institution: School of Law and Economics > Microeconomics and Finance (von Thadden (2004-)
Subject: 330 Economics
Abstract: The purpose of this note is to point out an error in a widely cited paper by Sharpe (1990) on long-term bank-firm relationships and to provide a correct analysis of the problem. The model studies repeated lending under asymmetric information which leads to winner's-curse type distortions of competition. Contrary to the claims in Sharpe (1990), this game only has an equilibriuim in mixed strategies, which features a partial informational lock-in by firms and random termination of lending relationships.

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