Die Sharing Economy als Herausforderung oder Chance für die öffentliche Hand

Vith, Sebastian ; Oberg, Achim ; Höllerer, Markus A. ; Meyer, Renate E.

URL: https://bach.wu-wien.ac.at/d/research/results/8346...
Additional URL: https://www.i-share-economy.org/kos/WNetz?art=News...
Document Type: Conference presentation
Year of publication: 2017
Conference title: Drittes i-share Symposium
Location of the conference venue: Mannheim, Germany
Date of the conference: 08.-09.11.2017
Publication language: German
Institution: Business School > Mittelstandsforschung u. Entrepreneurship (Woywode 2007-)
Subject: 330 Economics

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