Effects of the formative approach on students' learning and motivation

Ramasamy, Saraswathi

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Ramasamy, Saraswathi (2022) Effects of the Formative Approach on Students' Learning and Motivation..pdf - Published

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URL: https://madoc.bib.uni-mannheim.de/61607
URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:180-madoc-616070
Document Type: Doctoral dissertation
Year of publication: 2022
Place of publication: Mannheim
University: Universität Mannheim
Evaluator: Dickhäuser, Oliver
Date of oral examination: 25 March 2021
Publication language: English
Institution: School of Social Sciences > Pädagogische Psychologie (Dickhäuser 2008-)
Subject: 150 Psychology
Keywords (English): formative , assessment , feedback , instruction
Abstract: Formative approach is frequently implemented in learning contexts for its supposed positive effects on students’ learning and motivation. Inquiry into what is formative approach revealed multiple definitions, varying conceptualizations and wide-ranging effects. With the goal of arriving at a comprehensive conceptualization of the formative approach, we postulated a theoretical model, which comprises the three components, diagnostic assessment, comprehensive feedback and adaptive instruction. A systematic review of the literature followed by a meta-analysis provided empirical evidence for the proposed theoretical model with medium size effects of the formative approach on learning and motivation. A subsequent experimental study showed differential effects for the formative approach components, thereby confirming the theoretical model. Overall, this research provides a profound understanding of the formative approach by making significant contributions to the theory and the empirical results provide new perspectives and possibilities for precise implementation of the formative approach to reap maximum benefit out of it.

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