Germany: The Wagner-Raith (D-560/13) and Grünewald (C-559/13) cases

Röder, Erik

Document Type: Conference or workshop publication
Year of publication: 2014
Book title: ECJ - recent developments in direct taxation 2013
The title of a journal, publication series: Schriftenreihe zum internationalen Steuerrecht
Volume: 83
Page range: 63-82
Conference title: Recent and Pending Cases at the ECJ on Direct Taxation
Location of the conference venue: Wien, Austria
Date of the conference: 21.-23.11.2013
Publisher: Lang, Michael ; Pistone, Pasquale ; Schuch, Josef ; Staringer, Claus ; Storck, Alfred
Place of publication: Wien
Publishing house: Linde
ISBN: 978-3-7073-3055-7 , 3-7073-3055-9
Related URLs:
Publication language: English
Institution: School of Law and Economics > Bürgerliches Recht, Deutsches und Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht und Unternehmenssteuerrecht (Lehrstuhlvertretung) (Röder 2021)
Subject: 340 Law

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