Collective emotions during the COVID-19 outbreakMetzler, Hannah ; Rimé, Bernard ; Pellert, Max ; Niederkrotenthaler, Thomas ; Di Natale, Anna ; Garcia, David
Metzler, Hannah
Rimé, Bernard
Pellert, Max
Niederkrotenthaler, Thomas
Di Natale, Anna
Garcia, David
Google Scholar: Metzler, Hannah ; Rimé, Bernard ; Pellert, Max ; Niederkrotenthaler, Thomas ; Di Natale, Anna ; Garcia, David ORCID: Metzler, Hannah ; Rimé, Bernard ; Pellert, Max ORCID: 0000-0002-6557-7607 ; Niederkrotenthaler, Thomas ; Di Natale, Anna ; Garcia, David Page ViewsYou have found an error? Please let us know about your desired correction here: E-Mail Actions (login required)