Website der UB
Erweiterte Suche
IAB Discussion Paper
IAB-Forum : Das neue Onlinemagazin des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology
IADIS International Conference e-Commerce, Porto, Portugal, 15.-17. Dezember 2005
IAEE Energy Forum
IASL online / Institut für Deutsche Philologie
Ibero-Amerikanisches Archiv
Iberoromania. Beihefte
Iberoromanische Texte in deutscher Übersetzung
IBM Research Reports
IBM Systems Journal
ICARCV 2006 : 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics& Vision, Singapore, Dec. 6-8,2006; proceedings
ICCSC'02 : 1st IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications : proceedings : 26-28 June, 2002, St. Petersburg, Russia / ed. by A.S. Korotkov
ICEIS 2010 : Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Icelandic review of politics and administration : IRPA = Stjórnmál og stjórnsýsla
ICINCO 2004 : proceedings; and the proceedings of Workshops: ANNs and Virtual-Lab; Setúbal, Portugal, August 24 - 28, 2004
ICINCO 2007 : Fourth International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics; proceedings; and the proceedings of workshops: MARS and ANNIIP; Angers, France, May 2007
ICIS Proceedings
I confini del dialetto : atti del convegno Sappada / Plodn (Belluno), 5 - 9 luglio 2000
Iconicity in Language and Literature : ILL
ICRM 2002 proceedings ; vol 2
IDL Dialog
IEA conference volume
IEEE 10th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing : MMSP 08, Cairns, Australia, 08.10.2008 - 10.10.2008; proceedings
IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering
IEEE 59th Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC 2004-Spring, 17-19 May
IEEE Access
IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking
IEEE Communications Letters
IEEE Control Systems Letters
IEEE DSP Workshop '98, St. George, Utah : proceedings
IEEE Intelligent Systems
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Hongkong, 06.-10.04.2003
IEEE International Conference on e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning (IC4E 2010)
IEEE International Conference on Internet and Web Applications ans Services, ICIW 2006, Guadeloupe / French Caribbean, February 2006; proceedings
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2000)
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2001)
IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), proceedings
IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems : SASO ... proceedings
IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications, SOCA '07, June 19-20, 2007, Newport Beach, California; proceedings
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems proceedings : ISCAS 1995, Seattle, Washington, April 30 - May 3,1995
IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (ISSPA)
IEEE International Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for the Enterprise Workshop, VORTE 2006 / 10th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops (EDOCW'06), 15-Oct, Hong Kong, China; proceedings
IEEE International Workshop on the Electronic Document Management in an Enterprise Computing Environment, EDM 2006 / Tenth IEEE International EDOC Conference, EDOC 2006, 17 October 2006, Hong Kong, China; proceedings
IEEE Internet Computing
IEEE Int. Symposium on Circuits and Systems
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications
IEEE MultiMedia
IEEE Network
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium : San Francisco, October 1995; proceedings
IEEE Security & Privacy : Building Confidence in a Networked World / IEEE Computer Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE Software
IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games, CIG 2007, April 1-5, 2007, Honolulu, HI; proceedings
IEEE Symposium on FPGAs for Custom Computing Machines : April 15-17, 1998, Napa Valley, Calif. ; proceedings
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems : CAD
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management : EM
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering : TKDE
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing : SP
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
IEEE/WIC/ACM IEEE/WIC/ACM 7th International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Sydney, Australia, December 2008; proceedings
IEEE Wireless Communications
IEEE Workshop on "Content generation and coding for 3D-television" Eindhoven, Netherlands
IEE Proceedings. Science, measurement & technology
IFAC Proceedings Volumes
IfCoLog Journal of Logics and its Applications
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
IFIP Conference Proceedings
IFIP congress series
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
IFIP Transactions / C, Communication Systems
ifm Themenblatt
IFO Dresden berichtet
IFRS in Rechnungswesen und Controlling : Kongress-Dokumentation, 59. Deutscher Betriebswirtschafter-Tag 2005
IF : Zeitschrift für internationale Freimaurerforschung
IIC : International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law
IIE Transactions / Institute of Industrial Engineers
II. Német-magyar büntetöjogi és kriminológiai kollokvium
IJCol - Italian journal of computational linguistics
Ikonographische Repertorien zur Rezeption des antiken Mythos in Europa / Beihefte
ILLC scientific publications
Illinois Journal of Mathematics
Image and Vision Computing
Image Proc. for Future High Energy Physics Detectors, Proc. 18th Workshop of the INFN Eloisatron Project
Image : Zeitschrift für interdisziplinäre Bildwissenschaft
Imaginäre Welten im Widerstreit : Krieg und Geschichte in der deutschsprachigen Literatur seit 1900
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis : IMAJNA
Im Dialog: Psychoanalyse und Filmtheorie
IM : die Zeitschrift für Information Management und Consulting
iMex : México Interdisciplinario ; Publicación en Línea
IMF 2007 : IT-Incident Management and IT-Forensics; proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on IT-Incident Management &IT-Forensics ; September 11 -13, 2007, Stuttgart, Germany
IMF Economic Review
Im Fokus Onkologie
IMF Staff Papers / International Monetary Fund
IMF Working Paper
IM : Information Management & Consulting
IMISCOE Research Series
Implementation - realizing Operations Management knowledge : proceedings of the 16th International Annual EurOMA Conference Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden 14-17 June 2009
Implementing the Kyoto Protocol : Chances and Challenges for Transition Countries
Im Spiel : das Magazin der Fußballverbände in Baden und Württemberg
IMU Research Insights
Indagationes Mathematicae / Proceedings
INDat-Report : Verwalter, Verfahren, Gerichte
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies
Individuelle Förderung an beruflichen Schulen. Handreichung für Lehrkräfte an beruflichen Schulen in Baden-Württemberg
Individueller Kompetenzwerb im Geschichtsunterricht : die Stadt als Thema der Binnendifferenzierung
Individuelle Verantwortung und Beteiligungsverhältnisse bei Straftaten in bürokratischen Organisationen des Staates, der Wirtschaft und der Gesellschaft
InDret : revista para el análisis del derecho
Industrial and Corporate Change
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Industrial Marketing Management
Industrial Relations Journal
Industrie & Handel : Mitteilungsblatt der IHK Karlsruhe
Industrielle Beziehungen
Industry and Innovation
In: Econophysics of Order-driven Markets.
INF : die Information über Steuer und Wirtschaft
Infection, Health and Disease
INFER Research Edition
INFER Research Perspectives
Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics
Info 7 : Information und Dokumentation in Archiven, Mediotheken, Datenbanken
Infobrief / Nationaler Ethikrat
INFOCOM 2006 : 25th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications; Proceedings
Informacijska družba
Información comercial española
Informatik 2001: Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft in der Network Economie - Visionen und Wirklichkeit
Informatik 2003 - 33. Jahrestagung der GI, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, Bonn, 2003
Informatik 2004
Informatik 2004 : Informatik verbindet; Beiträge der 34. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI); Ulm, 20. - 24. September 2004
Informatik 2005 : 35th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Bonn, 19.-22.9. 2005
Informatik 2005 : Informatik live!; Beiträge der 35. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 19. bis 22. September 2005 in Bonn
Informatik '98 : Informatik zwischen Bild und Sprache
INFORMATIK'99, Tagungsband der GI-Jahrestagung, Sektion: Junge Informatik
Informatik aktuell
Informatik-Bericht / Institut für Informatik, Technische Universität Clausthal
Informatik-Fachberichte : IFB
Informatik, Forschung und Entwicklung
Informatiktage 1999
Informatik und Ausbildung : GI-Fachtagung 98 Informatik und Ausbildung, Stuttgart, 30. März - 1. April 1998
Information Age Economy - 5. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2001
Information and Communication Technologies and the Knowledge Economy
Information and Computation
Information and Software Technology
Information, Communication & Society : ICS
Information Economics and Policy : IEP
Informationen aus der Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung
Informationen für den Geschichts- und Gemeinschaftskundelehrer
Informationen für die Beratungs- und Vermittlungsdienste : IBV
Informationen für Geschichtslehrer zur postuniversitären Fortbildung
Informationen Jugendliteratur und Medien
Informationen zur modernen Stadtgeschichte : IMS
Informationen zur Politischen Bildung
Information & Management
Information management : IM
Information Philosophie
Information Processing Letters
Information Processing & Management
Information Retrieval Journal
Informationsdienst soziale Indikatoren : ISI
Informationssystem-Architekturen : Wirtschaftsinformatik
Informationssysteme gestalten die Zukunft : Tagungsband zum 11. Deutschen Controlling Congress
Informationssysteme in der Finanzwirtschaft
Informations Systems : IS
Informationstechnik : it
Informationstechnik und technische Informatik : it + ti
Informationstechnologie und Ökonomie
Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI
Information Systems and e-Business Management : ISeB
Information Systems Frontiers : ISF
Information Systems : IS
Information Systems Journal : ISJ
Information Systems Research : ISR
Information Systems, Technologies and Applications
Information Systems Theory: Explaining and Predicting Our Digital Society
Information Technology : IT
INFORMS Annual Meeting / Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics
INFO : Vom Inhalt zur Form; Zeitschrift, erstellt an der Städtischen Fachhochschule für Gestaltung Mannheim
In H. H. Bülthoff, K. R. Gegenfurtner & H. A. Mallot, R. Ulrich & F. A. Wichmann (Hrsg.), 6. Tübinger Wahrnehmungskonferenz, Tübingen, 2003
In J. Golz, F. Faul und R. Mausfeld (Hrsg.) Experimentelle Psychologie, Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen, Kiel, 2003
Inklusive Bildungsforschung der frühen Kindheit. Empirische Perspektiven und multidisziplinäre Zugänge
In Memoriam J. D. B. Mitchell
Innovationen in schulischen Kontexten : Ansatzpunkte für berufsbegleitende Lernprozesse bei Lehrkräften
Innovation : Ideen, Technologien, Know-how
Innovation in Aging
Innovationsmanagement in Mittelbetrieben
Innovationsmotor IT-Sicherheit : [Tagungsband zum 10. Deutschen IT-Sicherheitskongress] / Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Innovative Marketing : IM
Innovative Psychotherapie und Humanwissenschaften
Innovative Verwaltung
Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft
Inquiries in language learning
Inquiry : an interdisciplinary journal of philosophy
INSEAD Working Paper Series
Insel Taschenbuch
Insights : Archive und Menschen im digitalen Zeitalter
Insights & Publications : Report / McKinsey Global Institute
Institut '88 : Dokumentation; Hamburg, 14. - 15. 9. 1988
Institute for Law and Finance Series
Institut Elie Cartan
Institut für Länderkunde, Leipzig
Institutional Arrangements for Global Economic Integration
Institutionalization of International Negotiation Systems : theoretical concepts and practical insights; (conference report)
Institut Libéral
Instructional Science
Insurance : Mathematics and Economics
Insurance : Mathematics & Economics
Int. Conf. on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP'01)
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering : ICAE
Integrating Information and Communication Technology in Higher Education : Proceedings, BITE '98 (Bringing Information Technology to Education)
Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science
Intellectual Property Quarterly
Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
Intelligent Autonomous Systems : 5th IAS conference
Intelligent Embedded Systems
Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and Management
Intelligent Systems Reference Library
Intelligenza Artificiale
Intentionen - Wirklichkeiten
Intentionen - Wirklichkeiten : 42. Deutscher Historikertag in Frankfurt am Main, 8. bis 11. September 1998 ; Berichtsband
Interactive Learning Environments
Interactive Technology and Smart Education : ITSE
Inter-American Studies
Interbull Bulletin
Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion : IJRR
Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences
Interdisciplinary Polish studies
Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Rights = Interdisziplinäre Studien zu Menschenrechten
Interdisziplinäre Forschungsarbeiten am Forum Scientiarum
Interdisziplinäre Organisations- und Verwaltungsforschung
Interdisziplinäre Schriften zur Rehabilitation
Interest Groups & Advocacy
Interest Groups, Advocacy and Democracy Series
Interface Banca & Seguros
Interfaces : a journal of medieval European literatures
Interfaces : the INFORMS journal on the practice of operations research
Interkulturelle Kooperation
International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media
International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
International Affairs
International Arbitration Law Library : IALL
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Healt
International Association for Development of the Information Society
International Business Review
International Commerce and Arbitration
International Communication Gazette
International Comparative social Studies
International competition law series
International Conference Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 94 : Sorrento, Italia; proceedings
International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems - ARCS 2002
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, 2008. CISIS 2008; proceedings
International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems, CISIS '09
International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL'05), Taipeh, Taiwan, Juli 2005; Proceedings
International conference on digital signal processing proceedings : Limassol, Cypres, Greece, June 1995
International Conference on Information Systems : ICIS
International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication and Information Technology, ICICI 2005, 763-768, Bandung
International Conference on Mobile Business: Icmb 4.2005, July 11-13, 2005, Crowne Plaza Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications : Cluster Computing Technical Session (CC-TEA), PDPTA '99 conference, June 28 - July 1, 1999, in Las Vegas, NV
International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, WINSYS 2007, Barcelona, Spain, 31. July 2007; proceedings
International Congress on Biological and Medical Engineering (ICBME), Singapore, December 4 -7, 2002
International Congress Series : ICS
International Criminal Law Review
Internationale Beziehungen
International Economic Review
Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft
International Encyclopedia of Political Science
International Environmental Agreements : Politics, Law and Economics
Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft : IPG
Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur : IASL
Internationales Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur : IASL. Sonderheft
Internationale Schulbuchforschung
Internationales Gewerbearchiv : IGA
Internationales Handelsrecht : IHR = International Commercial Law
Internationales Steuerrecht : IStR
Internationale Studien zur Privatrechtstheorie
Internationales Verkehrswesen
Internationale Unternehmensführung : Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Eugen Hermann Sieber
International Finance
International Finance & Treasury
International Handbooks on Information Systems
International Interactions
International Journal Clinical Health Psychology : IJCHP
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance : IJEVG
International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training : IJRVET
International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication
International Journal of Advertising
International Journal of Ageing and Later Life
International Journal of Applied and Theoretical Finance
International journal of Applied Linguistics : INJAL
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
International Journal of Bank Marketing
International Journal of Behavioral Development : IJBD
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity : IJBNPA
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
International Journal of Bilingualism
International Journal of Business Communication : IJBC
International Journal of Business Performance Management
International Journal of Central Banking : IJCB
International Journal of Classical Tradition
International Journal of Communication : IJoC
International Journal of Comparative Sociology : IJCS
International Journal of Computer Vision
International Journal of Conflict Management : IJCMA
International Journal of Constitutional Law
International Journal of Corpus Linguistics : IJCL
International Journal of Cyber Criminology : IJCC
International Journal of Data Science and Analytics
International Journal of Developmental Science
International Journal of Digital Information and Wireless Communications : IJDIWC
International Journal of Eating Disorders
International Journal of Economic Theory
International Journal of Educational Psychology : IJEP
International Journal of Educational Research : IJER
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
International Journal of Electronic Business : IJEB
International Journal of Electronic Finance : IJEF
International Journal of Electronic Government Research : IJEGR
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning : iJET
International Journal of Employment Studies
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Knowledge : IJEK
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
International Journal of Environmental Health Research : IJEHR
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health : IJERPH
International Journal of Forecasting
International Journal of Game Theory
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship
International Journal of Global Energy Issues : IJGEI
International Journal of Health Services
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies : IJHCS
International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing
International Journal of Human Resource Management
International Journal of Industrial Organization
International Journal of Information Management
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights
International Journal of Information Technology Project Management : IJITPM
International Journal of Innovation Management : IJIM
International Journal of Intercultural Relations : IJIR
International Journal of Internet Science
International Journal of Knowledge Engineering : IJKE
International Journal of Language and Culture : IJoLC
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice
International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family
International Journal of Learning Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Education : iJAI
International Journal of Learning and Change : IJLC
International Journal of Learning Technology : IJLT
International Journal of Lexicography : IJL
International Journal of Lifelong Education
International Journal of Literary Linguistics : IJLL
International Journal of Logistics
International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management
International Journal of Managerial Finance : IJMF
International Journal of Manpower
International Journal of Market Research : IJMR
International Journal of Mathematics : IJM
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies : IJMSO
International Journal of Mobile Communications : IJMC
International Journal of Multilingualism
International Journal of Network Management
International Journal of Neural Systems : IJNS
International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing
International Journal of Obesity
International Journal of Operations & Production Management : IJOPM
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications
International Journal of Philosophical Studies : IJPS
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Materials Management
International Journal of Population Geography : IJPG
International Journal of Practical Theology
International Journal of Production Economics
International Journal of Production Research
International Journal of Psychological Studies : IJPS
International Journal of Psychology
International Journal of Psychophysiology
International Journal of Public Administration : IJPA
International Journal of Public and Private Healthcare Management and Economics : IJPPHME
International Journal of Public Health
International Journal of Public Opinion Research
International Journal of Research in Marketing : IJRM
International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology : IJRSP
International Journal of Security and Networks : IJSN
International Journal of Selection and Assessment : IJSA
International Journal of Semantic Computing : IJSC
International Journal of Social and Cyber-Physical Systems
International Journal of Social Economics
International Journal of Social Research Methodology : IJSRM
International Journal of Social Robotics
International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies : IJ-SSHS
International Journal of Social Welfare
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
International Journal of Sociology : IJS
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development : IJSKD
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering : SEKE ; IJSEKE
International Journal of Stress Management
International Journal of the Economics of Business
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance : IJTAF
International Journal of Training Research
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing : IJWMIP
International Journal on Advances in Internet Technology
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools : IJAIT
International Journal on Computer Science and Application : IJCSA
International Journal on Digital Libraries
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition : IJDAR
International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems : IJSWIS
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer : STTT
International Journal on World Peace
International Labour Review
International Library of the Moving Image
International Management Series
International Marketing Review
International Mathematics Research Notices : IMRN
International Migration
International Migration Review : IMR
International Multilingual Research Journal
International Organization : IO
International Policy Exchange Series
International Political Science Review : IPSR
International Research in Early Childhood Education : IRECE
International Review of Administrative Sciences
International Review of Education = Internationale Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft
International Review of Financial Analysis
International Review of Law and Economics
International Review of Social History. Special Issue
International Review of Social Psychology = Revue internationale de psychologie sociale
International Review of Sociology
International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
International Series in Operations Research & Management Science
International Series of Numerical Mathematics
International Series on Information Systems and Management in Creative Emedia
International Social Security Review
International Sociology
International Statistical Review
International Studies in Entrepreneurship
International Studies in Population
International studies in sociology and social anthropology
International Studies in the Theory of Private Law
International Studies of Management and Organization : ISMO
International Studies on Populism
International Studies Quarterly
International Studies Review
International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics
International Symposium on Communications and Information Technologies, 2008 : ISCIT 2008; proceedings
International Symposium on Control, Communications and Signal Processing, 1, 2004, Hammamet
International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies (ISICT 03), Science Press Trinity College, Dublin, Irland, 24.09.2003
International Tax and Public Finance
International Tax Journal
International Tax Report
International Tax Review : ITR
International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications : ITSSA
International Transfer Pricing Journal
International VAT monitor
International Workshop on Service Oriented Software Engineering : IW-SOSE '06, May 27-28, 2006, Shanghai ; proceedings in conclusion with the 28th International Conference on Software Engineering
International Workshop on the Design of Dependable Critical Systems
International Workshop on Volume Graphics, Swansea, UK
Interner Bericht = Technical Report
Interne Studien / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Internet-Drafts / Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Internet Histories : Digital Technology, Culture and Society
Internet policy review : journal on internet regulation
Internetrecht und digitale Gesellschaft
Internet Research
Internet und Psychologie
Intertax : International Tax Review
InTeR : Zeitschrift zum Innovations- und Technikrecht
Inventare der nichtstaatlichen Archive in Baden-Württemberg
Inventare nichtstaatlicher Archive
Inventiones mathematicae
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science : IOVS
Investigative Radiology
IO New Management
IPRax : Praxis des internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts
Irish Educational Studies : IES
Irish Political Studies
IRZ : Zeitschrift für Internationale Rechnungslegung
ISBM report
ISCCSP 2004 : First International Symposium on Control, Communications, and Signal Processing : 21-24 March, 2004, Hammamet, Tunesia
I-SEMANTICS '12 - 8th International Conference on Semantic Systems
ISER Working Paper Series
i-share Report
Isole linguistiche? : Per un' analisi dei sistemi in contatto
Israel Affairs
Israel Journal of Mathematics
Is-Report : Informationsplattform für Business applications
Issues in Educational Research : IIER
Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics
Istanbuler Mitteilungen
Istituzioni del Federalismo : Rivista di studi giuridici e politici
Istoriko-ėtimologičeskoe izučenie slavjanskich frazeologičeskich sistem : doklady k XII mezdunarodnom s''ezdom slavistov
Italian Journal of Educational Technology : TD
Italian Journal of Linguistics = Rivista di Linguistica
Italian Political Science Review : IPSR = Rivista italiana di scienza politica
Italienisch : Zeitschrift für italienische Sprache und Literatur
Itinera classica
Itinerarium : Rivista miltidisciplinare dell' Istituto Teologico "San Tommaso" Messina
IT Management
ITS for Livable Society : Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on ITS, Nagoya, Japan, October 2004
IT und Medien Update
Iurratio : die Zeitschrift für stud. iur.
Ius Commune
Ius communitatis
Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law
IWB : NWB internationales Steuer- und Wirtschaftsrecht
IWM Junior Fellows Conferences
IZA Discussion Paper Series
IZA Journal of Labor Policy
IZA Policy Paper
IZA Standpunkte
Izvestija Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta Ekonomiki i Finansov = Nachrichten der Staatlichen Universität für Wirtschaft und Finanzen Sankt Petersburg